A power point presentation was organised for the BBC activity of consumer rights.Leading teacher - Mr. S. Moitra Also the students were given other information about presentations by Mr. S. Dutta. The PPT was anchored by Siddhant and Tishu of XI Commerce. Below are the pictures of the same

Conducted by Mr. G.B. Singh, Grade - 11th Commerce. The students gathered information from school teachers, viz. Mrs. Bharti Prasad, Mrs. Tapti Singh, Mrs. M. Bharadwaj and Mrs. Minal Verma. Later, they interviewed the Principal, Ms. Anjali, who thanked the coordinator teacher Mr. G.B. Singh and the children.

Mrs. Sudha Jha conducted questionnaire making session with the students of class 11 commerce. All the students individually prepared questionnaire to elicit the mindset of the Indian buyers. Later, 4 collective questionnaires were prepared selecting questions from the individual ones. They were displayed on the class notice board.